DAY 072: How much truth will be told in my case?

November 1, 2008 | Saturday

I FOUND OUT yesterday that Maverick was executed. I am still trying to figure out how it happened. Gregory Wright was an innocent man. Even Big John the volunteer chaplain can tell you that! He told me I cannot believe that they executed him. The state prosecutors knew that he did not take that lady’s life. Not only did they sentence an innocent man to death, but they actually pressed for a quick execution to cover their mistake. I wonder how much truth will ever be told in my case. 

19 Responses to “DAY 072: How much truth will be told in my case?”

  1. jess Says:

    Dear Roy,
    That is disgusting they executed Maverick when he was an innocent person.
    My prayers are with you at this time and hope that you do get a stay.
    I know you only have days to live, but my thoughts are with you and will be on that day and forever!
    God Bless you and keep your head strong!!

  2. Billy-Joe Says:

    Dear Roy,

    I have read all of your journal, and I feel for you. You are definately a strong, intelligent person that has had to endure such a hard life.
    I dont think I will ever know what its like to be in your situation, but you have definately opened my eyes. I live in Australia where executions are not allowed, and now I understand why.
    You have been given the worst punishment for something that seems to be self defence. I cannot believe that the legal system there is so harsh and unfair.

    I hope that you get a stay, and that you get to live a long life. God is watching over you and if you do not get a stay, you seem to have repented all that you have done that you will be with him. Hopefully later than sooner.

    Be strong as there is always hope.

  3. Ivan Says:

    Hi Roy,

    Life is full of choices …some good , some bad , some life changing.
    The best you have made and ever will make was to find Jesus in your life.

    I pray that God will give you mercy and show you His love.
    Remember to keep your eyes focused on Him , always!
    If you have access to a Bible , please read Psalm 34.


  4. Rhianon Says:

    Roy, I miss you so much, i’m preying so hard. I want you to be my future, I love you Roy. Rhianon. xx

  5. Sr Ruth Evans Says:

    Dear Rogelio,
    We are praying for you here in this religious community. I am so sorry to hear about Maverick and the cruel injustice that claimed his life. I hope you get good news about your case soon.

  6. Marianne Rasmussen Says:

    The truth will be told, Roy, you can trust all your loved ones to bare witness of who you are and what happened in your life, the circumstances that put you in prison and later on death row and the manner in which you held your head high and stayed strong and positive in spite of everything! They will bare witness of your life, of your existence and of your truth. If they do take your life it will not go quietly into the night, I’m certain of that. You are very much loved.
    And Rhianon, this is for you, my heart goes out to you…

  7. Erika Says:

    Rogelio, you amaze me with your strength and your words. I only found this website a few days ago but I’ve read every post and was just now gutted to sign in and not see blazing fantastic news.

    That you’ve touched so many people who’ve never met you is testimony to your beautiful soul. I will be thinking of you this weekend and next week, down here in Mexico, my adopted homeland (I’m Canadian).

  8. Al Says:

    I read this whole blog, and it convinced me even more that death penalty is a stupid thing. You don’t look like an unredeemable monster that must be swept away from society to me.

    I’m glad to see that you’re strong enough to not give in to despair. In fact, you’re not dying Wednesday. Because death is nothing but a short moment of pain. Death is nothing but change. There’s a whole world in the other side, so don’t face it as a “goodbye” to your beloved ones, but as a “see you later”. See it as a trip to another country, where all of us are going to someday. So, don’t fear what you may face next week.

    (To be honest, despite the fact that I totally believe in what I said above, if I was in your place I would be shitting myself, so it’s probably an incoherent thing to say “don’t be afraid”. But what can we do? Fear and humanity come in the same package, you know. There are so many small things that scare us… maybe it’s too much to expect you not to be afraid of a meaningful moment like death.)

    Anyway, if you’re able to face death chamber with a smile in your face, excellent. But if you’re not, keep in mind that life doesn’t end here. Remember that we face the consequences of all our deeds. Remember that even on the other side, we get the opportunity to make up for our mistakes. Remember that there’s not eternal suffering for anyone, and that we’re all destined to happiness.

    I don’t want to push my beliefs, but I think you might like to read this, even if just as a distraction:

    Hope you live long enough to read this message.

  9. Mitch (Australia) Says:

    That’s disgusting that an innocent man was put to death. That’s why the death penalty is a joke, I feel for you mate, you seem to have turned yourself around (in whatever way you can under the circumstances) and I wish you all the best 🙂

  10. Innocence Says:

    Hi Rogelio. I inform you that actually I am pro DP. I believe certain crimes qualify for that. I can not judge too much about your case, as I know you were already in prison when sent to DR and you were sent to DR because of defending yourself from another prisoner. Difficult story, it will be hard to find reliable witnesses, but hey, I guess I do not need to tell you that. In any case, I read your story on how you are treated on DR; one word: incredible. I believe many staff at the Polunsky unit form potentially a higher danger for society than you my man. I believe in justice, but… I do not believe that Texas is doing the right thing there.I am pro DP, but I am not blind. From the stories you write I deduct that your execution would not at all be a great relieve for mankind, it would be a tremendous shame and a huge loss for this world. Why would I say this being a pro? Call it instinct, I don’t know. This message is just to let you know that even people that are “in the opposite corner” are in this occasion on your side. Keep your head up Rogelio, you have many marvelous and sane people caring for you. Stay strong Bro.

  11. Paloma Says:

    My dear Roy,
    I just want to tell you that I’m here as always, reading your posts and thinking about you. I wrote you several postcards and one letter… Maybe you didn’t recieved them? The letter should come you today or tomorrow…
    I do hope you get this message. I love you, amigo!!

  12. Margaret & Jean-François Says:

    Dear Roy, we think of you and pray for a stay! Our heart is touched by your story, like the heart of so many others around the world who feel near to you in these days. We have read all the entries, yours and those of your friends. Thanks for sharing this terrible experience with us, you have tought us so much! We sincerely do hope that the love and warmth that go out to you from all your wonderful friends you have ,will help you through the most difficult hours to come. We will all be with you, don’t forget! And we will always remember you as a beautiful human being!
    Hoping you’ll be able to read this! Much love, on wings from Switzerland!
    In our thoughts we accompany Isabelle who has gone to see you.
    We still hope!
    If you really have to go: Buen viaje! Un fuerte abrazo! Jean-F & Margaret

  13. Michele Says:

    All it takes is one thought, one voice for the truth to ring free. The truth can be waylaid and hidden it can never truly be silence.

    I stumbled across this blog although I believe that I was led here for a reason. All that I have read has only galvanised my resolve. Innocent or guilty, we as compassionate, intelligent, emotional beings do not have the right to sit in judgement of our fellow man. We do not have the right to commit legally sanctioned murder.

    My thoughts are with you and through this message I send you my hope, strength and dreams.

    Stay strong, I can only hope that those who read and post here can spread the message and this barbaric punishment will cease to be an option.

  14. Françoise Says:

    The reading of all these sincere and friendly messages help me a lot, in both ways:
    Some of you have a more realistic approach and even if hoping in a future for you in this present life, are giving you encouragements and kind wishes for a future better life. Which attitude makes me think that it’s a possibility we should bear in mind. And so, as some of us wrote to you in your Day 32, you might be up there, watching friendly at us, preparing our arrival and so happy to meet again the one you missed.
    Others – and me too – continue to hope that a stay will be granted to you. And this is just confirming me in my opinion and hope. To prove that, the numerous letters and cards which, since two weeks, are flying daily across the ocean to reach you even after the 19th : it would be too sad if you wouldn’t have any mail waiting for you after that date. The latest one is leaving today, November 17th. God bless you. With much love and “un abbraccio forte”

  15. Françoise Says:

    And dearest friend, as to you, truth will come through!
    Love, Hope & Prayers

  16. Kiki Says:

    Dear Rogelio
    I can only underline most of what has been said before; one of the stronger statements is surely the entry of the ‘pro’…. It has all been said before therefore I won’t repeat it. I just want you to know that I have been unable to read more of your entries before, they leave me so paralysed that I just ‘only’ can pray and pray more for you, for your fellow brothers and sisters in the same situation and if you must die think of what Al said: It’s not a Good Bye, it’s a ‘See you sometime soon’…. because it’s also my conviction and certainty that you’re not going for good…. Even if you are being killed by the State, your soul goes on living and you will be a great blessing in the world beyond….. You will teach them to forgive, as you have learned to forgive here and you also are surely forgiven by your victims, IF there are victims… It’s – as we heard before – impossible from our end to say how much innocent you are. BUT we are not allowed to judge, this is up to God alone and he is a kind and generous God. It IS wrong to ‘do an eye for an eye’, because even though it said so in the Bible (and I am not the best knowledgeable about the bible), these are other times and there are other possibilities.
    Rogelio, I trust to read more of you and embrace you with all my love, prayers and positive thoughts.

  17. Lynette Says:

    “Maverick” is better known as Gregory Edward Wright. Donna Duncan Vick was a charitable and religious 52-year-old widow, who first saw the homelss Wright on a street corner with a sign “Will work for food.” Known for ministering to and aiding the homeless, Ms. Vick had invited Gregory Wright, a homeless person and panhandler, to reside in her house in exchange for doing yard work. She also gave Wright and a homeless friend, John Adams, food and a place to sleep. Wright was a crack cocaine addict. One week later, Adams directed police to her bedroom, where she was found beaten and stabbed to death. Both Adams and Wright were convicted and sent to death row.

  18. David Joseph Says:

    Rick Garcia and Anna Robles, Rest in Peace

  19. Kenny Says:

    I think you will find that Wright was not a crack coccaine addict, in fact John Adams was the Addict…Reading through Wrights case notes it certainly appears that he was an innocent man wrongly executed!

    Roy well done on the Stay, very happy for you mate!

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